- understanding the significance and cultural importance of features of different types of texts, such as forms of address or language associated with rituals or celebrations, such as आदरणीय, पूज्य, मान्यवर, महोदय (formal) प्रिय मित्र (informal)
- identifying key features and structures of familiar texts types to understand unfamiliar content, for example, recognising core words associated with time or place in airport announcements, ‘reading’ images as well as written language in advertisements
- recognising the format of different Hindi texts and stylistic conventions such as the need for elaborated forms of address in formal invitations or congratulations, understanding how these vary according to the context, occasion and intended audience
- composing and comparing examples of familiar texts such as emails, songs, slogans or public signs, noticing how choice of language and text structure positions the reader and indicates the text’s purpose
- comparing language features of Hindi and English versions of genres such as news headlines or school reports, noticing differences that appear to be culturally significant
- composing a formal and an informal version of a selected text genre, such as a written invitation or a text message, for example, मोहन और गीता की सगाई के शुभ अवसर पर आपकी परिवार सहित उपस्थिति प्रार्थनीय है। क्या तुम... के दिन.. समय मुझे मिल सकते हो?