- reflecting on their own and each other’s use of Hindi, identifying influences from other languages and cultures such as terms used in everyday language as a result of the influence of social media, popular culture and technology
- talking with older members of their families or communities about changes they have experienced in the use of Hindi across their lifetime, such as the increasing blending of English and Hindi in particular domains of language use such as entertainment, news and sports commentary and advertising
- recognising that Hindi, like all languages, carries histories of contact with other languages and cultures, for example, by identifying and classifying words that originate in languages such as Persian सरकार; Arabic तलाक़; Turkish क़ुली; and Japanese रिक्शा
- understanding that languages and cultures change continuously due to contact with each other and in response to new ideas, developments in technology, communication and design, considering why some types of words and expressions are most frequently borrowed, such as vocabulary associated with fashion, sport and technology
- identifying ways in which social media and technology have brought about changes in communication in their own lives, for example, by compiling a glossary of terms routinely used in emails or text messages, such as अब (ATM), फिर मिलेंगे CU, जाना होगा (G2G), हे हे (LOL), फिर बात करते हैं (TTL)