  • tracking changes in Hindi language forms and usage over different times and contexts such as मोटरगाड़ी, कार
  • explaining the significance of single words in Hindi that represent complex and culturally significant concepts that do not translate directly into English, for example, दक्षिणा, शुभमुहुर्त, पूजा, साधू
  • considering reasons for the trend among young Hindi speakers to create abbreviated adaptations of English words, for example, funda (fundamental), despo (desperate), enthu (enthusiastic), comparing with the use of abbreviations such as ‘arvo’, ‘brekkie’, ‘footie’, ‘barbie’ in Australian English
  • identifying compound words used in colloquial Hindi that fuse Hindi and English to capture trends, convey concepts and engage with intercultural experience, for example, tension mat lo, accent maarna
  • discussing the significance of naming in different languages and cultures, for example, by exploring the origins and meanings of Hindi names such as आद्या, आशा, आर्य, बोधि, धर्म, गीता, सलमान and comparing with popular names in English and other languages
  • identifying changes in some forms of Hindi that reflect the impact of globalisation and intercultural experience, for example, the increasing mixing of languages and adoption of practices associated with other communities and cultures
  • exploring the idea that some elements of a language carry particular cultural significance, having come to assume symbolic as well literal value in ways that make translation difficult, for example, Hindi terms such as बिदाई, सन्यास, शुभमुहुर्त, मुहूर्त, and Australian expressions such as ‘mateship’ or ‘fair dinkum’
  • researching and classifying terms associated with particular cultural traditions and practices that have cultural significance or history and whose meanings are difficult to convey in other languages, for example, words associated with yogic practice such as संसार, मंत्र, कर्म, गुरू, ब्राह्मण, मोक्ष