  • collecting facts, figures and vocabulary from resources such as posters, books and websites, and using them to prepare for in-class discussions about topics such as healthy eating or animal protection
  • collecting information from each other and from family members to create an overview of selected trends or social behaviours, for example, preferred modes of communication, फ़ोन; ईमेल; आमने सामने बातचीत; टेक्स्टिंग
  • interviewing older members of their families or communities about different cultural traditions, comparing what they say with their own thoughts on similar issues, for example, जब आप छोटे थे तब लोग कैसे कपड़े पहनते थे? आपके और हमारे स्कूल में क्या अंतर है? कम्प्यूटर के बिना आप अपने दोस्तों से कैसे बात करते थे?
  • comparing information accessed via videos, books and websites produced in different cultural contexts on topics such as family life, housing or schooling
  • viewing documentaries that reflect lifestyles in Hindi-speaking communities in different regions of the world, for example, Fiji, Mauritius or Trinidad, recording key facts and noting unfamiliar vocabulary or expressions
  • researching media texts produced for teen markets in Hindi- and English-speaking communities, comparing representations of young people’s values and lifestyles in different contexts