  • translating simple texts such as signs, menu items or public announcements from Hindi to English and vice versa, comparing which words they chose to convey the closest equivalent meaning
  • explaining Hindi words or expressions that they find difficult or amusing to explain to non-Hindi-speaking friends, for example, पेट में चूहे दौड़ रहे हैं।
  • identifying and working out the meaning of unfamiliar English words used in other curriculum areas, such as erosionfraction, consumer, discussing how they would translate or explain them in Hindi
  • collecting proverbs used in their families, such as दूर के ढोल सुहावने, considering how to explain their meaning to non-Hindi-speaking friends
  • providing a literal translation of commonly-used expressions such as the greeting नमस्ते, and comparing with greetings used in English
  • learning to use bilingual print and digital dictionaries, identifying issues such as multiple meanings for words and the fact that meaning is not always literal