- knowing how to place adverbs correctly in sentences, for example, धीरे-धीरे, जल्दी में, दौड़ते हुए
- using ordinal numbers such as पहला, दूसरा
- distinguishing between questions and requests, for example, क्या मैं पानी पीने जा सकता हूँ? कृपया मुझे पानी पीने जाने दीजिए।
- situating actions or events through the correct use of past, present and future tenses, for example, जाता था, जाता हूँ, जाऊँगा
- using conjunctions to connect different elements of a sentence, for example, राम ने खाना खाया और सो गया।
- using the singular and plural forms of nouns and pronouns, for example, मैं, हम, यह, ये
- using negative forms of verbs and adjectives, for example, सोहन ने फिल्म नहीं देखी। झूठ कभी मत बोलो।
- distinguishing between intonation patterns of statements, questions and exclamations, for example, वह पास हो गया! क्या आप वहाँ जाएँगे? तुम अच्छे बच्चे हो।
- locating events in time, for example, by using days of the week and months and correct tenses
- extending knowledge of negative constructions, such as कभी नहीं, सोचना भी मत
- recognising and understanding how Hindi verbs indicate the idea of actions happening or being made to happen बनना, बनाना, बनवाना