- distinguishing between spoken and written forms of Hindi, identifying examples of colloquialisms and words and expressions used mainly in spoken conversation, for example, the non-standard मेरे को in place of the formal Hindi मुझे or the use of मतलब ... at the beginning of spoken utterances
- knowing that meaning is shaped not only by words but also by expression, gestures and use of the voice, and that these variations occur in both formal and informal language
- recognising how language use varies to reflect different feelings, relationships, moods or attitudes, for example, the respectful tone of devotional texts compared to the liveliness, humour and colour of Bollywood scripts
- noticing patterns in language use that reflect age, gender and social status as well as the context and purpose of interaction
- recognising how language use such as levels of politeness or of Sanskrit-derived terms such as श्रीमान reflects the intention of a speaker or writer and the relationship between participants