- listening to short spoken texts that contain some unfamiliar language, such as announcements or directions for a game or task, identifying specific points of information
- collecting information from print or digital resources about selected topics, such as animal species, famous places, national flags or world geography, to create captioned displays with simple descriptive statements, for example, तिरंगा झंडा; संकटग्रस्त जानवर; विश्व के सबसे ऊँचे पर्वत
- locating information from a range of multimedia materials relating to school routines and activities in Hindi language contexts, comparing with school life in Australia, for example, the ‘midday meals’ scheme in India compared to school canteens in Australia
- finding Hindi language at home or in the community to create language resources for their own use in different contexts and situations, for example, collecting Hindi words in English-language advertisements, menus or shop signs, such as roti, naan, mela.
- using digital/online resources to collect information about children’s out-of-school daily activities in Hindi-speaking communities in different contexts