  • using simple descriptive language and supporting resources to introduce family members and friends and to identify relationships with them, for example, मौसी; चाचा, providing details such as age, religion, occupation or regional backgrounds, for example, वह ऑस्ट्रेलियाई है। उसकी उम्र तीस साल की है।
  • presenting information they have collected about each other’s likes, dislikes or interests to create a class profile, chart or database, using checklists, surveys or question cues
  • presenting information via picture stories or multimodal displays on events or topics of potential interest to Hindi-speaking children of their own age in other contexts
  • working together to design posters or web pages to promote a cultural event or regional profile
  • creating a class book or digital display about topics they have been studying in Hindi and/or other curriculum areas, for example, इस्तेमाल की जा चुकी वस्तुओं से कुछ और बनाना; जीवन-चक्र; विश्व संगीत