  • understanding that there is a standard form of Hindi called मानक हिंदी which is used in writing and spoken by many people, and also many spoken dialects that differ from region to region, for example, ब्रज भाषा, अवधी
  • reflecting on how they communicate with family and friends and people less close to them or in authority, noticing differences in word choice, gestures and communicative behaviour
  • comparing language used among different family members, such as grandparents, parents and siblings, noticing words that reflect status or position in the family, for example, addressing older siblings as आप rather than तुम
  • comparing language use at home and school, for example, by identifying differences in ways of thanking someone or asking for help; the use of nicknames or terms of affection such as राजा बेटा, रानी बिटिया
  • making personal connections with different language dialects spoken in regions of India, in Fiji, Mauritius and other parts of the world
  • understanding the importance of using appropriate language when interacting with different people, for example, the use of ultra-formal language such as बैठिएगा when speaking with elders or strangers