- comparing themes and values represented in contemporary texts such as cartoons or video games with those conveyed in traditional fables, epic poems and legends
- analysing cultural styles of humour in comedies or cartoons, for example, by comparing Hindi jokes about family relationships, such as mother-in-law/daughter-in-law and husband/wife jokes पति- पत्नी इत्यादि के चुटकुले, with humour around similar relationships in Australian English
- identifying characters in fables and legends that embody particular qualities, values or defects that have come to represent recognisable character traits in everyday speech, for example, referring to a playful or naughty child as Krishna or Kahnaiyya, or to a late-sleeper as Kumbakaran
- considering whether values and aspirations expressed in historical texts such as letters written during the freedom struggles in India might have relevance to their own lives
- comparing style, creative effects and cultural values reflected in popular Hindi and Australian music by listening to music stations, reading print or online music magazines, classifying song titles or viewing clips from Bollywood films
- comparing representations of traditions and beliefs across cultures through visual and performing arts, for example, by comparing different living traditions present in Australia, including cultural and artistic expression associated with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- providing a live commentary to a dance performance, interpreting movements, commenting on the significance of costume and interpreting messages conveyed through the performance