  • reflecting on changes in their ways of communicating in Hindi, identifying terms, expressions or behaviours that have become part of their everyday language through the influence of technology, social media and intercultural experience
  • talking with older members of their families or communities about changes they have experienced in their use of Hindi and about their observations of how the language has changed over time
  • discussing how their use of language reflects different and changing relationships, for example, familiarity with friends, respect for elders and authority figures
  • finding examples of changes in language use within their own families and friendship groups which have come about through globalisation and the influence of other languages, for example, माँ, अम्मा, माताजी being replaced in some families by मम्मी
  • identifying how social media and technology have influenced their own ways of communicating, for example, by compiling a glossary of terms they use in emails or text messages, such as अब(ATM), फिर मिलेंगे CU, जाना होगा (G2G), हे हे (LOL), फिर बात करते हैं (TTL)