- exploring the concept of translanguage in relation to mediating thought, action and communication in situations that involve two or more languages
- reflecting on how speakers of more than one language draw strategically on a wide range of linguistic and cultural resources to make meaning of experience and to communicate with others
- considering whether thinking or communicating in one language rather than another affects the ways ideas or attitudes are understood or expressed
- identifying benefits associated with bilingualism/multilingualism, drawing examples from their personal experience
- comparing assumptions sometimes made when communicating with speakers of different languages, identifying instances when they consciously adjust how they communicate due to personal assumptions or attitudes
- identifying cultural cues in intercultural interactions that signal variations in expectations, values or traditions that may complicate communication
- monitoring their use of Hindi and English in different domains, for example, by keeping a record of when they use each language, for which language functions and in which contexts
- considering how their language and interactional behaviour might be interpreted or responded to by people from different language backgrounds