
  • asking and responding to questions, for example, 이것/저것이 뭐예요? …예요/이에요. 알아요, 몰라요, 네, 아니요, 맞아요, 틀려요
  • asking how to say something in Korean or English, for example, …이/가/은/는 영어/한국어로 뭐예요?
  • expressing opinions using formulaic phrases such as 제생각에는/으로는 …이/가 맞아요, for example, 제 생각에는/으로는 민수가 맞아요
  • giving and following instructions and commands such as 일어나세요, 앉으세요, 쓰세요, 보세요, 들으세요, 따라하세요, 빨리 하세요
  • interacting in classroom routines such as responding to the teacher during roll calls, for example, … 있어요? 네, (여기) 있어요; 아니요, 없어요; …이/가 안 왔어요