
  • composing and participating in dialogues and imagined interactions, explaining the relationships between characters and contexts in a short drama or skit, rap or poem, for example, 여우야, 여우야, 뭐 하니? / 여우님, 여우님, 뭐 해요?
  • creating stories in different modes such as a video clips or digital photo stories based on imaginary characters, places and events
  • creating texts to entertain others, for example, a comic strip or Big Book for younger students, a role-play or imagined exchanges to present to parents, or a poem for an online newsletter or magazine
  • designing texts for real or imagined special occasions and imaginative games, such as greeting cards (for example,using 환영합니다, 축하합니다, 초대합니다), or board/electronic games (for example, using ideas from 윷놀이)