- communicating/sharing information about own identities in terms of cultural background and personal and social experience, using declarative and descriptive statements, for example, 저는중국계 호주 사람이에요; (저는) 한국어하고 스페인어를 해요; (저는) … 회원이에요
- preparing information to exchange with Korean-speaking students, such as a class profile showing cultural backgrounds, languages used in the home, interests and values, and using resources such as photos, captions, quotes and symbols
- sharing ideas about how cultural aspects embedded in or accompanying Korean language use might be perceived differently in different cultures, for example, politeness, terms of address, and gestures such as bowing when greeting older people, using fingers when counting, or pointing with the index finger
- sharing feelings or ideas on the reciprocal benefits of learning and knowing each other’s language and culture, for example, mutual understanding and friendship between themselves and peers from a Korean background