
  • participating in reflective activities and evaluations of classroom experiences using language such as 어떻게 생각해요? 제생각에는 …, 아마 …, 글쎄요, –(으)ㄴ/는 것 같아요
  • checking understanding and indicating understanding or not understanding (알겠어요? 네, 알겠어요/아니요, 모르겠어요)
  • giving and following instructions such as 책을 책상 위에 놓으세요; 쓰지마세요 and requesting clarification, for example, 다시 설명해 주세요; 무슨 뜻이에요?
  • asking for and making suggestions relating to shared activities, for example, 무엇을 먼저 이야기할까요? …한테 물어 보세요