
  • describing aspects of Australian culture for a particular audience, for example, the physical environment, specific celebrations or features of cuisine, including explanations of expressions such as ‘the bush’ or ‘fair go’
  • creating texts such as brochures, cartoons,notices, blogs or video clips to introduce Korean culture or lifestyle to Australian friends, parents or peers on social networking websites or to the general public, for example, 한국은 7월과 8월에 아주 더워요. 그래서 여름에 …
  • presenting information on different elements or perspectives on ideas such as seasons, festival food, costumes,entertainment (games, sports, dances, music …), specific cultural practices associated with festival days, for example,on 설날, 추석, in various modes (for example, concept maps, flow charts and tabulations, graphics or captioned photographs)
  • explaining to others a procedure or practice, for example, a recipe, the rules of a sport or a board game, instructions on caring for a pet/animal, or fashion tips, for example, by giving priority to classified information using 첫 번째, …, 두 번째, …
  • conveying information about different viewpoints on topics of interest such as sustainability, health or environmental issues, for example, 호주의 강과 호수는 깨끗해요