
  • translating short texts such as announcements, notices, songs, advertisements, or extracts from stories and films, considering audiences and contexts and reflecting on how cultural elements are encoded in common words or expressions, for example, the use of family terms, titles and terms of address, and the way of answering negative questions (안 했어요? 네, 안 했어요 / 아니요, 했어요) and of using 가다/오다 from a perspective different from that involved in ‘go/come’ (언제 우리 집에 와요? 지금 가요!)
  • comparing translations of familiar texts such as instructions or children’s stories to determine the ages of intended audiences and any differences in contexts (such as relationships and the degree of formality), noticing how these are taken into account differently in the translated and original versions
  • using print dictionaries and electronic translators to support the translation process, including doing ‘back translations’, considering why a word or expression does or does not translate readily and reflecting on possible ways to translate words and expressions without losing their original meaning, for example, 세배, 새해 복 많이 받으세요, 쌀밥/보리밥
  • analysing a familiar text in its translated form (for example, a nursery rhyme, children’s story, advertisement or web page translated into Korean), noticing what has or has not been effectively translated, considering the challenges of the translation and how the text could be improved