
  • interacting with Koreans, noticing social norms and practices such as the use of personal space,gender roles, respect for older people, boyfriend or girlfriend relationships, same- sex hand-holding, and acceptable topics of conversation (for example, 몇 살이에요?), and considering own reactions
  • describing their experience of authentic or virtual interaction involving Korean language and culture,for example, face-to-face interaction with community members through excursions or at Korean festivals, web-chatting, or other forms of social networking
  • monitoring, recording and reflecting on intercultural experiences, examining aspects that were unexpected, comfortable or uncomfortable, successful or unsuccessful, and considering possible reasons for such feelings of comfort/discomfort
  • recognising that social values such as politeness can be expressed differently indifferent cultures, and understanding features of Korean etiquette such as avoiding direct refusal, aiming to please by answering a question even if they don’t know the answer, expressing gratitude through actions and not necessarily language (for example, limited use of 고맙습니다, 감사합니다) and waiting to be invited to eat or drink