- using a range of common nouns and verbs for everyday interactions at home and school on familiar and broader topics (for example, 방학, 시험, 춤, 노래, 여행, 추다, 부르다, 배우다, 하다, 말하다, 끝나다, 만나다, 놓다, 사다, 팔다, 생기다), including words for clothing (for example, 모자, 바지, 쓰다, 입다) and transportation (for example, 버스, 기차, 자동차, 지하철, 타다) and loan words from English (for example, 파티, 이메일, 인터넷)
- recognising and using some abstract vocabulary in the school context (for example, 과목, 수업, 과외 활동, and names of school subjects such as 수학, 과학, …)
- using descriptive vocabulary to describe emotions (for example, 무섭다, 슬프다, 기쁘다. 신나다), senses (기분, 맛,맵다, 짜다, 아프다, 덥다, 춥다) and appearance (아름답다, 깨끗하다)
- using abstract vocabulary relating to cognitive activity (for example, 뜻, 생각(하다), 필요하다)
- recognising the difference between 나 and 저 referring to self and using them appropriately according to the audience, for example, peers or adults
- indicating comparative quality using 더, for example, 더 커요
- expressing relative frequency of events (for example, 가끔, 보통, 자주, 언제나)
- using common adverbs such as 다시, 먼저, 한번, 열심히
- indicating time/seasons using 오전, 오후, 주말,아침, 점심, 저녁, 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울
- using Korean cardinal and ordinal numbers appropriately with counters, for example, 스무 잔, 백 장, 천 송이, 첫 번째
- using honorific or humble words such as 분, 주무시다, 계시다, 말씀, 드리다
- identifying culture-embedded Korean words and expressions in context, for example, 추석, 새해 복 많이받으세요, 쌀밥/보리밥, 아리랑
- using vocabulary related to youth culture such as 동아리, 힙합,including some hybrid words (for example, K–팝)
- using reflective vocabulary such as 아마, 글쎄요
- using location words, for example, 앞, 뒤, 위, 아래, 옆
- inferring meaning of unfamiliar words or expressions from context, for example, 게으름뱅이 (소가 된 게으름뱅이), 연락하다 (이메일로 연락하세요), 그림의 떡
- using idiomatic expressions as communication strategies or to enhance the interest of audiences, for example, 제 생각에는 …, –ㄴ/은/는 것 같아요, 괜찮아요
- using some special vocabulary in Korean to express ideas drawn from other learning areas, for example, 태풍, 강, 호수
- using exclamatory vocabulary and expressions (for example, 와, 대단해요! 아니, 이럴 수가!)