
  • identifying information in texts such as advertisements, conversations, brochures and announcements, and sharing this information with others in another format,for example, presenting a chart of favourite television programs or computer games
  • reading texts and extracting key points about an issue or topic (such as weather, types of activities for young people, daily routines), and sharing information with peers, for example, 날씨가 어때요? 비가 와요; 언제 만나요? 내일 두 시에 만나요
  • reading, viewing and listening to texts to collect information about concepts related to other learning areas such as the arts, humanities and science
  • identifying and comparing perspectives represented in spoken and written informative texts, for example, 누가 썼어요/말했어요? ...이/가 맞는 것 같아요? 왜 맞아요?