- using number expressions with appropriate counters, for example, 한 개, 두 마리, 세 명, 아홉 살, 삼학년
- using basic common action and descriptive verbs to describe their daily lives or preferences, for example, 가요, 일어나요, 들어요, 해요, 좋아요, 나빠요, 착해요
- using vocabulary related to school (for example, 학교, 책, 지우개, 친구), home (for example, 집,가족, 엄마, 아빠), sports and leisure activities (for example, 방학, 수영, 캠핑)
- using vocabulary to describe familiar objects or people, for example, 빨간색 가방
- using some adverbs as part of formulaic language, for example,지금/오늘/주말에 뭐 해요? 아주 잘 했어요