- experiencing authentic or virtual interaction where Korean language and culture are involved, for example, face-to-face interaction with community members through an excursion or at Korean festivals, web-chatting, ePal, social networking
- experimenting with Korean gestures and body language, and considering which will or will not be incorporated into own interactions when communicating in Korean, for example, using both hands when giving something to older people or beckoning downwards to signal others to come
- noticing the use of Korean expressions of fillers (such as 어, 음, 저, …) and exclamations (어머나!, 아이고!진짜!) and deciding whether or not to adopt them in own language use
- making appropriate language choices with awareness of social situations, for example, using 선생님as an address term when communicating with an older person to show respect, and not overly using
너/당신 to refer to the communication partner nor그/그녀 to refer to the third party - reflecting on how own cultural etiquette and behaviour may be interpreted when interacting with speakers of Korean, noticing own body language and modifying gestures, such as beckoning with the palm facing upwards or downwards, rubbing hands or making direct eye contact when talking to older people
- identifying elements of successful intercultural communication when using Korean or other languages, for example, awareness of differences, flexibility, and respect for other perspective sand traditions