
  • using a range of nouns to describe aspects of everyday life in home and school environments and of topics of interest, such as names of subjects (과학, 수학, …) and sports/games including traditional Korean sports/games(축구, 야구, 씨름, 윷놀이, …), nouns related to activities such as excursions or school camp (소풍, 캠프, 날짜, 장소, 시간, 준비물, …) and those related to transactions outside the home and school (가게, 식당, 병원, …)
  • using a range of action/descriptive verbs commonly used in basic interpersonal and transactional interactions including those for more complex activities (바빠요, 싸요, 비싸요, 자요, 타요, 사요,갈아타세요)
  • using vocabulary to express some abstract ideas (for example, 과학적, 정보, 동의해요) or describe issues relating to technology, those drawn from other learning areas or environmental issues (for example, naming some popular Korean food, such as, 순두부 찌개, 불고기, and major cities or landmarks in Korea, for example, 서울, 한강, 서울역
  • identifying commonly used culture-specific words and expressions in Korean and understanding the cultural backgrounds of such words/expressions, for example, names of festival days (명절) and their associated vocabulary or expressions, for example: 설날, 세배(하다), 떡국, 새해 복 많이 받으세요, 윷놀이, …; 단오, 그네뛰기, …; 추석, 성묘(하다), 송편, …
  • using a range of descriptive verbs to express emotions, sensory qualities or impressions (for example, 아름다워요, 신나요,매워요, 짜요, 아파요, …) including idiomatic phrases (기분이 좋아요) and those closely related to the Korean view of life and human relationships (정들었어요)
  • identifying and using basic onomatopoeic and mimetic expressions in Korean (for example, 문을 똑똑 두드려요;비가 주룩주룩 와요), and translating such words, providing additional explanations to make meanings closer to the original
  • comparing Korean and English as to how expressiveness is realised in the form of language, for example, by translating into English sentences such as 첨벙첨벙 물놀이를 해요, 아기가 콜콜 자요
  • indicating comparative quality using 더or 제일/가장, for example, 저는 더큰 가방이 필요해요, 저는 불고기가 가장/제일 좋아요
  • using adverbs to:
    • emphasise or mitigate the quality expressed, forexample, 너무, 조금, 정말
    • add temporal quality to the event expressed, for example, 벌써, 아직
    • indicate frequency,for example, 가끔, 보통, 자주, 언제나
    • indicate directions, for example, 쭉, 곧장
    • add some specificity to time words using 지난 or 다음 (지난 주말에 ..., 다음 월요일에 …)
  • using location nouns such as 앞, 뒤, 위 아래, 옆, 왼쪽, 오른쪽
  • using question words such as 언제, 어디서, 어떻게, 어느, and 무슨 to obtain specific information
  • using humble/honorific words such as 드려요, 드세요, 진지
  • recognising fillers (such as아, 음, 저. …) and exclamations (such as 어머나!, 아이고! 진짜!)