- producing texts for different types of audience (for example, classmates, parents, peers on social-networking websites, possible future employers) and for different purposes and in different contexts (for example, school, community, social clubs, part-time jobs) to convey own ideas and interpretation of particular texts,using oral, print, multi modal and digital media such as blogs, letters, instructions, articles, podcasts and speeches
- creating informative texts such as posters, brochures and web pages, for example, a brochure promoting a holiday destination, a poster for a doctor’s surgery encouraging healthy eating, a web page reviewing new music releases
- writing persuasive texts such as blogs, tweets and posts to persuade or convince others,for example, on global warming (지구온난화), attending to the audience and context, for example, 우리 모두 생각해 봅시다. 지구온난화를 막지 못하면지구가 죽습니다. 북극과 남극의 빙하가 녹고, 자연이 파괴됩니다. 그러므로 … 우리가 먼저 지구 온난화를 막아야 합니다 …
- combining modes of presentation such as displays, videos or music to explore social and cultural themes, for example, 다문화사회