- listening to,reading and viewing imaginative texts such as short stories, films, poetry, raps and songs, and:
- identifying emotional aspects of the texts that are specific to Korean language and culture, for example, the use of expressive language and the description of animals
- critically reflecting on and sharing own responses with others
- reading texts including those in digital and online modes such as extracts from a biography or diary for enjoyment and to gain insights into other people’s experiences and perspectives
- modifying existing texts, for example, creating an alternative ending, introducing a new character, changing the setting or adding a major event, or providing a video clip to accompany and reinforce the meaning expressed in lyrics
- creating texts to parody existing texts and to explore a range of genres, for example, re-creating a music clip or advertisement
- identifying and responding to key messages and values in traditional texts such as 민요, (for example,아리랑, 강강술래), 설화 (for example, 심청전, 흥부전) or dialogues in 탈춤, and considering their relevance in modern times
- discussing how texts such as films, plays and songs portray social issues (such as conflict in relationships or poverty) and values (such as honesty and humility)