
  • using a range of common nouns and verbs to describe activities and phenomena taking place in home,school and the wider context, such as transport, networking, festivals, weather, seasons, nature, transactions, for example, 여행, 기차, 비행기, …, 축제, 숙제, 음악, 산, 강, 호수, …, 여름, 겨울, …, 영화, 입장권, 표, …, 차례, 소리, 바쁘다, 아끼다, 춥다, 덥다, …, 많다, 적다, …,연락하다, 편리하다, 친절하다, 다치다, 시작하다, 출발하다, 도착하다, 참가하다, 기다리다
  • using abstract nouns and verbs associated with abstract or complex concepts, processes, attitudes, for example, 방법,문제, 계획(하다), 신선하다, 생각하다, 심각하다, 생기다, 되다, 그렇다, 믿다, 확신하다
  • using a range of descriptive verbs to express qualities of people, animals or nature, such as character, appearance or scenery,including some complex personal attributes, for example, 착하다, 부지런하다, 게으르다, 참을성이 있다, 정직하다, 깨끗하다
  • using specialised vocabulary drawn from other learning areas or broader topics of interest such as social or environmental issues, including some highly abstract words, special terminology, some loan words from English and some figurative use of common words (for example, ‘지구가 죽는다’): 지구, 북극, 남극,빙하, 환경, 자연, 태풍, 사이클론, 캠페인, 에너지, 청소년, 실업, 녹다, 보호(하다), 절약(하다), 낭비(하다), 파괴되다, ‘쓰레기 분리수거’, ‘환경보호’, ‘지구 온난화’, ‘다문화 사회’
  • using/recognising some well-known Korean geographical names (for example, 부산, 제주도)
  • identifying Korean names of some folk genres such as민요, 설화 or 탈춤, and some titles of Korean folk songs or folktales such as 아리랑, 강강술래, 심청전 or 흥부전
  • using/recognising some procedural vocabulary relating to some aspects of everyday life such as operating appliances or cooking instant food, for example, 국수, 국물, 정도 (for example, 4분 정도) 냄비, 끓이다, 넣다, 붓다, 젓다
  • using reflective/sympathetic words or phrases to signal empathy, down-toning or indirect disagreement, or just as a pause filler, for example, 그렇지요?; 좋았겠어요;아마; 글쎄요; 그런가요?; 아닌 것 같은데요
  • expanding and using honorific or humble vocabulary, for example, 주무시다, 여쭤 보다
  • expanding the range and use of adverbs, for example,훨씬, 함께, 겨우, 아마, 한번, 모두, 분명히, 하마터면
  • expanding the use of temporal vocabulary, including 작년, 올해, 내년, …전/후
  • using elements of metalanguage appropriately, for example, 단어, 명사, 동사, 줄임말, 높임말/존대말, 문장
  • inferring meanings of unknown words or expressions from information available from the text or context