
  • gathering, collating and presenting information about daily routine in the Roman world, such as posters or digital displays about family life, education, food, hygiene, exercise, with annotations in English or words and simple phrases in Latin
  • reading stories about the daily lives of ancient Romans, and recreating their everyday experiences, for example, through role play or an imaginative animated cartoon
  • comparing details from different sources about where Roman people lived, such as in tenements or houses, or on country estates, for example, through dioramas or drawings, with labels in English or Latin, and discussing what they reveal about different lifestyles in the Classical period
  • researching the purpose and function of spaces in a Roman home, such as in a domus or avilla, for an oral or digital presentation, using labels in English and Latin, for example, vestibulumatriumtricliniumcubicula, peristylium
  • examining artefacts from the Roman period, such as those from Pompeii, and discussing what they reveal about the everyday lives of Romans
  • collating and sharing information online about Roman engineering and infrastructure, such as roads, aqueducts, cloaca maxima
  • researching the attitudes of Romans revealed in Graeco-Roman myths and legends and acting out stories, such as Romulus and Remus, or Hercules’ labours, to convey these attitudes
  • gathering and creating a class bank of information from texts about Roman religious beliefs and practices, for example, Olympian deities, Lares et Penates, special festivals such as the Liberalia and the Vestalia
  • reading accounts of historical events, such as Pliny’s eyewitness account of the eruption of Vesuvius, and presenting information in new ways, for example, creating and recording own news report or documentary, making comparisons between Pliny’s account and an online reconstruction of the eruption