
  • investigating connections between language and significant cultural attitudes, for example, discussing how the terms civis, libertusservus relate to rights of citizens
  • exploring and discussing language use that reflects social structure in ancient Rome, for example, pater familiaspatronus/cliens relationships, matrona; Julia = daughter of Julius
  • exploring references in texts to life at home, daily bathing, dining and entertainment, such as public spectacles, and discussing the importance of family and social life to the Romans
  • recognising language that reflects the nature and use of private spaces, such as domus, villa, atrium, hortus, insula
  • understanding the importance of religion and festivals in Roman society, for example, by examining references in texts to worship of the Olympian gods, or festivals such as Saturnalia
  • considering the impact of stories about major early Roman heroes on the formation and transmission of Roman values, for example, Cloelia helping the kidnapped girls to escape, Horatius guarding the bridge
  • discussing the influence on Romans of myths and legends, as represented in their literature and visual arts such as sculpture and mosaics, for example, Romulus and Remus, Aeneas, Hercules
  • exploring the colloquial language that Romans used, such as salvete; gratum; licet