
  • predicting the context and content of Latin texts through initial holistic reading, by identifying key words and phrases, for example, Romani Carthaginienses valde timebant
  • inferring the meaning of new words, using knowledge of the text type and the author’s purpose and technique, for example, res, gero, rem gerere
  • investigating and explaining the effect of word order in Latin in producing emphasis and tone, such as indignation, anger, suspense, for example, qualis vir? conclamant omnes; miser Catulle
  • examining and interpreting complex sentence structures, such as conditional sentences, indirect speech and subordinate clauses, for example, adjectival, causal, purpose or result clauses, indirect questions or commands
  • reflecting on the precise use of tenses in Latin and making comparisons with English, for example, cotidie ibat; si veneris
  • explaining how the coherence of complex texts relies on devices that signal text structure and guide readers, for example, paulisper … dum … interea …; primo … deinde … tandem; non solum … verum etiam
  • investigating how different conjunctions are used in complex sentences to extend, elaborate and explain ideas, for example, in periodic sentences using quod, quamquam, cum
  • explaining allusions to historical or mythological characters which exemplify Roman values and attitudes, such as Romulus and Remus, Lucretia, Horatius, Cloelia
  • discussing conventions of Latin texts, such as letter format, for example, Marcus Quinto SPD … cura ut valeas, or metre in poetry, for example, acknowledging quantities
  • recognising positive and negative cultural connotations of concepts implicit in Latin vocabulary, for example, rex, imperium
  • analysing cultural values and attitudes embedded in language use, for example, vocabulary and expressions particular to festivals and ceremonies such as Io triumphe; ave Caesar
  • discussing the function and power of cultural representations such as symbols, for example, SPQRaquila, fasces
  • justifying interpretations of texts, using examples or quotations from or references to the text, such as line numbers or a paraphrase of a longer section of text
  • constructing, editing and presenting interpretations of and responses to literary Latin, using ICT collaboratively