- reading holistically to deduce the context and content of Latin texts, by identifying key words and phrases
- applying expanded knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and problem-solving skills to translate compound sentences and complex sentences with nested clauses
- conveying shades of meaning of a range of subtle vocabulary, for example, inferring the different connotations of a word in a particular context, such as virtus; causa; gero; ago
- inferring the meaning of words and expressions, using knowledge of the text type and the author’s purpose and style, for example, res publica; rem gerere; se gerere
- deducing the meaning of new words by drawing on prior knowledge, derivatives and connections with familiar words, for example, actores in scaena fabulam Graecam hilare agebant; dormire, obdormire; ferre, inferre, offerre
- expanding the variety of English translations for verb tenses, for example, to express indignation, clamavit as ‘she did shout’, compared to ‘she shouted’ or ‘she has shouted’
- recreating mood, tone and dramatic impact in English translations by selecting appropriate vocabulary, comparing and contrasting potential choices, for example, o tempora! o mores!
- refining translations by exploring print and online Latin and English dictionaries and thesauruses to consider a variety of meanings, for example, manus, and synonyms, for example, contentus, felix, laetus
- conveying emphasis and tone, such as indignation, anger, suspense, embedded in Latin word order, for example, effugere conati sunt, sed frustra
- rendering the precise meaning of tenses in Latin into idiomatic English, for example, cotidie ibat; si veneris
- expressing the meaning of idiomatic expressions and culturally specific terms by choosing appropriate English expressions and terms, for example, flocci non facio (I could care less); orationem habere (deliver a speech)
- constructing and editing translations collaboratively with peers, using a range of ICT
- improving own translations to increase accuracy and better reflect register, tone and characterisation
- translating, independently or in collaboration with peers, unseen texts with compound or complex sentences, drawing on familiarity with the style and language of texts already studied