- developing vocabulary lists pertinent to particular reading, for example, military words, philosophical words, poetic words
- using a dictionary to investigate how vocabulary choices in Latin and English can express shades of meaning
- extrapolating knowledge of word origins and roots to interpret unfamiliar vocabulary, for example, aedificium: aedifico; rex, regis: regulus
- extending vocabulary through word-building from Latin roots, for example, caelum + colo: caelicolae, and from derivatives, for example, celestial
- building vocabulary by recognising English words derived from supines, for example, ‘mission’ from missum
- identifying and interpreting compound words, for example, ‘prefect’ from prae + factum
- recognising common patterns of vowel change to identify words from the same root, for example, capere: -cip (recipere)
- expanding vocabulary by using connections between conceptually related words, for example, pius, impius, pietas