
  • initiating conversations, for example, with peers and sister-school friends, using expressions appropriate to context and audience, such as Tί έκανες χτες; Πάμε στο γλέντι;
  • sustaining face-to-face or online conversations on topics of mutual interest, for example, το πάρτυ, η μουσική, η φιλία, η μόδα, parties, music, friendship, fashion, through active listening strategies, turn-taking and verbal and non-verbal responses, for example, shrugging shoulders, head shaking
  • extending and elaborating on modelled language to elicit others’ and express own experiences and opinions, for example,Τι νομίζεις; Πιστεύω ότι, Μ’ αρέσει καλύτερα η θάλασσα, Συμφωνείς;
  • using formulaic language to share and compare aspects of teenage life, for example, Το κινητό μου είναι μαύρο, Το δικό μου είναι μεγαλύτερο, and aspirations, for example, Θέλω να γίνω ...