
  • constructing a visual, digital or narrative profile of the local community for people arriving from overseas, collecting information from public and community texts, such as flyers, newsletters, advertisements and brochures
  • preparing and giving simple presentations on personal world, for example, a timeline of growth and change Εδώ είμαι δύο χρονών. Εδώ είμαι πέντε χρονών. Πάω στο σχολείο, family celebrations of birthdays/name days and other special occasions
  • presenting the results of a class survey about aspects of personal world such as daily routines, for example, by creating a poster or digital presentation using diagrams, charts or timelines
  • conveying information to others using descriptive language, for example, producing a simple brochure or an advertisement about a city or tourist attraction in Greece or Cyprus, or a food item such as olive oil or mastiha gum
  • preparing a dialogue with a partner about self, for example, Έχεις αδέρφια; Ναι, έχω, εσύ;
  • using graphic organisers to convey information in particular ways, for example, to show priorities (list/table), to compare statistics or ideas (Venn diagram) or to highlight frequency (graph)
  • reporting information, for example, about city and village life, based on own or group research, and supporting the information with photos, illustrations, captions or diagrams