
  • creating and performing simple imaginative texts, using movement or drama to animate characters and to give expression to events in texts, for example, acting out scenes from a story, adopting the profile of a character, creating a dance to accompany songs
  • modifying texts such as songs, for example, by substituting words in a well-known song or tune (Η Mικρή Ελένη, Βγαίνει η βαρκούλα, ‘Bob the Builder’)
  • creating a new story such as a digital picture book using favourite characters from imaginative texts (Ηρακλής, Μορμώ, Σποτ) and adding captions using formulaic expressions and modelled language, for example, Μια φορά και έναν καιρό, Τέλος, Και ζήσαν αυτοί καλά κι εμείς καλύτερα.