
  • beginning to describe and explain features of Modern Greek using metalanguage, for example, using the terms masculine, feminine, neuter nouns, verbs, tenses, adjectives, conjunctions, in English or Greek
  • noticing the use of gender in Greek names, singular/plural, and articles, for example, Η Άννα, ηγάτα, οι γάτες, α ψάρια, ο μπαμπάς
  • using adjectives to describe characteristics or qualities (such as number, shape and colour) of a person or object (noun), for example, τρία μικρά γουρουνάκια, and understanding that adjectives have gender, for example, καλός, καλή, καλό, ψηλός, ψηλή, ψηλό, κόκκινος, κόκκινη, κόκκινο
  • creating simple sentences in the subject–verb–object order, for example, Το βάζο έχει λουλούδια
  • experimenting with compound sentences using conjunctions such as και and αλλά
  • using adverbs of place, for example, έξω, μέσα, πάνω, κάτω, μπροστά, πίσω, δίπλα
  • observing singular noun and plural noun endings, for example, γάτα, γάτες, σπίτι, σπίτια
  • understanding that some words can mean different things in different contexts, for example, μπάνιο can mean ‘bathroom’, ‘bathtub’ or ‘swimming at the beach’
  • recognising the differences or similarities in word order in simple sentences, for example, μου αρέσει, δε μου αρέσει
  • expressing negation in simple sentences, for example, Όχι, δεν το θέλω, δε μ’ αρέσει
  • expanding number knowledge up to 100