
  • creating bilingual digital/multimedia texts for Greek speakers in Australia, for example, leaflets promoting the arrival of a famous performer or sports team from Greece or Cyprus
  • creating bilingual digital/multimedia or online texts, such as a children’s story to read to primary school children, for example, the Spot books, Πού είναι ο Σποτ; comparing aspects of language and culture and discussing with peers and teachers how meaning can be conveyed effectively
  • producing bilingual texts such as articles and brochures for different contexts and purposes, and reflecting on the process of working in both Greek and English, for example, an information leaflet for Greek exchange students coming to Australia or for a student study tour to Greece or Cyprus
  • corresponding online with Greek-speaking peers to compare experiences and attitudes, making choices about how to represent intended meaning, for example, exchanging views and opinions about school subjects and future aspirations, Στην Ελλάδα το μάθημα αυτό το λέμε ...