- recognising that pronunciation, rhythm and tempo help in making meaning in interactions and applying this knowledge to own communication
- comparing English and Greek sounds and spelling to support pronunciation of familiar and unfamiliar words and expressions, for example, astronaut/αστροναύτης, school/σχολείο, mathematics/μαθηματικά
- using accentuation correctly and with appropriate pronunciation, for example, τσάι, παίχτης, οικόπεδο
- applying appropriate pronunciation of ια, ιε, ιο, ιό, ιου with different preceding letters
- recognising that the sound ‘I’ is represented by the following letters, depending on the context: I , ι, H, η, Y, υ, Eι, ει, Οι, οι
- recognising the different pronunciation of the digraphs/diphthongs, for example, αυ - αυτοκίνητο and αυλή, ευ - ευχαριστώ and ευγενικός, μπ, ντ, γκ, γγ, τσ, τζ
- recognising that double letters in Greek sound the same in most cases, for example, ιππόδρομος, Γιάννης
- building phonic awareness by using and experimenting with sounds and rhythms, for example, γέρος, γερός
- reinforcing pronunciation, phrasing and intonation skills by reciting and repeating words and phrases in context
- recognising the role of stress and rhythm in creating emphasis
- using appropriate spelling and punctuation in a range of written texts