  • participating in guided discussion and reflection on the nature and role of ‘culture’ and its relationship with language, noting any shifts in own attitudes or understandings about culture, identity and diversity as a consequence of learning and using Spanish
  • talking with bilingual speakers about the experience of using more than one language, for example, by asking questions such as: ‘Do you identify more strongly with one language? Do you express yourself differently in each language? Do you feel like the same “you” when speaking each language?’
  • discussing ways in which learning a different language can lead to new ways of thinking or interpreting experience, for example, by providing different perspectives on the experience of younger or older people or in relation to family roles and relationships
  • developing language for thinking and talking about cultural representation and expression, for example, terms such as ‘perspectives’, ‘values’, ‘images’, ‘stereotypes’, ‘inclusions’ and ‘exclusions’
  • critically analysing texts such as advertisements, brochures, catalogues, graffiti and websites in Spanish that show different representations of culture, reflecting on language use, images and symbols