- investigating how media, digital technologies and popular culture have influenced the Spanish language, for example, tuitear, email, correo, electrónico, chatear, textear, bloguear, rapear, rapero, un , un selfie
- discussing why the Spanish language borrows particular words from English and other languages, for example, chofer, carné, tenis, golf, corner, kiwi and parking, smartphone, link
- identifying Spanish words and aspects of lifestyle absorbed into English (‘fiesta’, ‘rumba’, ‘tapas’), and considering the reasons for the adoption of particular words or expressions
- understanding that Spanish shares a history and many similar words with other languages for example, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Tagalog/Filipino and Rumanian
- understanding that some languages are growing and adapting, while others (such as indigenous languages across the world, including some in Spanish-speaking countries) are endangered, disappearing, reviving, or blending with stronger languages