  • identifying how ways of communicating in Spanish and English differ and how people outside each culture may understand these differently, for example, attitudes to time reflected in language and social interactions; expressing thanks or appreciation more or less directly
  • recognising that language and cultural practices are interconnected, for example, by identifying the religious origins or connotations of many common Spanish names (Jesús María, Dolores, Concepción, Asunción) and expressions (la bendición, ¡que Dios te bendiga!)
  • investigating and using language associated with significant cultural practices and events such as celebrations, for example, La novena, Día de las madres, Día de la emancipación de los esclavos, Primero de mayo, Carnaval, and identifying associated values, beliefs and perspectives
  • considering how differences between ways of using language reflect cultural influences, for example, the adoption of varying systems of apellidos in different Spanish-speaking communities