  • preparing and presenting an oral or multimodal report on an issue that invites different viewpoints, such as kız-erkek çocukların evdeki rolü, yaşlıların huzurevine gönderilmesi, identifying alternative perspectives and inviting discussion and debate
  • writing an article for a print or online magazine/newspaper with a specified audience in mind, for example, a film review for young learners of Turkish or a travel guide for young Turkish visitors planning a trip to Australia
  • creating texts to inform or promote events or community action, for example, a poster or web post to advertise a multicultural evening or a letter to a community newspaper to highlight a school fundraiser
  • creating an interactive presentation for younger students, friends or members of extended families to highlight the advantages of being bilingual/multilingual in today’s world and of maintaining and strengthening a home/first language
  • explaining a procedure to a specified audience such as older or younger people, using supporting images, actions and gestures to highlight key elements and explain key terms, for example, rules of a sport or board game, elements of a video game, instructions on the care of a sick pet, procedure for a henna night