  • tracking changes in Turkish language and ways of communicating over different times and contexts, identifying concepts and values that are differently expressed at different times
  • analysing Turkish language media texts such as notices or advertisements which use representations of culture in different ways, for example, by referencing either traditional or contemporary attitudes or values
  • comparing wordings of texts such as public signs or community announcements which reflect cultural expectations or priorities, for example, duyurular, ilanlar, Bu fırsat kaçmaz!, Son dakika haberi!
  • explaining the significance of single Turkish words that reflect complex cultural concepts that are difficult to translate, such as saygı, mecburiyet, sorumluluk, görev, comparing with expressions in Australian English that are similarly difficult to translate, such as mateship or the bush
  • developing metalanguage for thinking and talking about cultural expression and representation, for example, bakış açısı, değerler, görüntü, klişe, dahil etmek, dışında bırakmak
  • comparing superstitions in Turkish and English, for example, Ayakkabılarınızdan biri ters olarak durursa, hastalık gelir, Ocak ayının birinci günü evine gelen kişi ya da ilk gördüğün kişi sana uğur veya uğursuzluk getirebilir and ‘breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck’; considering possible origins, how they reflect cultural experience and whether they stay relevant across time and cultural change
  • examining how cultural values are reflected in Turkish song lyrics, poems, idioms and expressions, for example, tanrı misafiri, misafir odası, kırk fırın ekmek yemen lazım, gel kim olursan ol gel