  • working together on collaborative activities such as designing posters or menus for special events, planning puppet shows or creating picture books for ‘buddy’ classes, negotiating and making decisions about content, vocabulary and design, for example, Kim Karagöz olmak ister? Kuklaları kartondan yapalım. Doğum günü davetiyesini kim yazacak? Ben pastayı getiririm
  • working with visual, print and digital modes of expression to create texts such as invitations to a party, performance, class or community event, for example, bayram eğlencesi, yıl sonu eğlencesi
  • composing instructions for simple recipes such as kısır or çoban salatası, using imperative verb forms such as yıka, doğra, karıştır and language for quantifying ingredients, for example, 3 domates, bir demet maydanoz, 100 gram peynir
  • conducting simple science experiments that involve asking and answering factual questions and recording basic results
  • participating in group interactions such as role plays or simple interviews that involve asking and responding to questions or invitations and providing insights to cultural experience or values, for example, misafir ağırlamak, huzurevinde yaşlıları ziyaret etmek
  • participating in real or imagined transactions that involve requesting information, considering options and buying or selling, for example, Elmanın kilosu ne kadar? Bana bir porsiyon köfte, yanına da piyaz lütfen
  • following instructions to create craft, artworks and designs adapted from Türk el sanatları, such as ebru sanatı, hat sanatı, halıcılık, çinicilik, for example, boya, kes, katla, yapıştır