- presenting information gathered from different media sources to raise awareness or invite action on social or community issues, such as Avustralya’da Türkçenin önemini vurgulayan çalışmalar, sağlıklı yaşam, çevre kirliliği, combining elements such as print, sound, visual images and hyperlinks
- reporting on good news items, such as successful fundraising activities, academic or sporting achievements, for example, via posts on the school website or segments on local radio
- creating a shared database of information produced in different media which reflects Turkish lifestyles over different times and contexts, classifying material in terms of domains such as fashion, family, leisure, sport, work
- creating shared reference resources to support class projects on different topics, classifying information according to concepts, such as sağlık, çevre, fen, coğrafya, turizm
- combining modes of presentation such as displays, videos or music to present an overview of cultural themes such as aile yaşamı, misafirperverlik, evlilik
- creating an interactive multimodal text that presents elements of a significant cultural experience or event to share with other learners of Turkish, for example, köy düğünü, misafirperverlik