    • analysing functions of affixation through the identification of adverbial, adjectival and noun phrases in Turkish idioms and proverbs
    • using compounds in different cases, for example, cep telefonları, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ni, Ağrı Dağı’na, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun
    • learning about nominalisation to form complex words such as iş deneyimleri in a range of sentence structures
    • identifying how adverbs/determiners are used for describing people, places and objects in texts, for example, Çamaşırlar kar gibi beyaz oldu, turp gibi bir çocuk, Çocuk gibi ağladı, Buz gibi su içtim, İnci gibi dişleri var, saray gibi bir ev, pamuk gibi bulutlar
    • analysing how some adverbs derived from verbs and adverbial phrases can modify time and manner of action, for example, the adverb /-arak indicates whether the action expressed by another verb is taking place at the same time or before the action it denotes, for example, Koşarak geldi, gülerek gitti; adding the suffix -ce/-ca to the adjective as in dikkatlice and hızlıca
    • distinguishing the two different uses of de/-de as a suffix and as a conjunction, noting the impact on meaning if they are used inaccurately, for example, Araba da ev de İstanbul’dakaldı and Arabada ve evde sigara içmek yasaktır have totally different meanings
    • explaining different uses of the suffix -ki as a relative pronoun in relative clauses, such as Yunus’unkindenbenimki; as a locative suffix, yanımdaki and evdeki, for idiomatic use as in halbuki, mademki, oysaki; and as a conjunction meaning ‘who’, ‘which’ and ‘that’ as in görüyorum ki, biliyorum kitabii ki
    • analysing the use of optative endings -(y)eyim-(y)elim-(y)in and -sin in first person, for example, alayım, alalım, alın and alsın in different tenses and in sentences to express a request
    • distinguishing between the use of the simple past perfect -di, as in, geldi, gitti and the evidential past perfect tense -miş, as in gelmiş and gitmiş and uyuyormuş
    • comparing the use of the progressive form -(i)yor and the simple present -(i)r and past tense -d(i)of verbs that describe actions
    • understanding when to use formal and informal registers ın dıfferent contexts
    • using a range of complex and complex-compound sentences in different tenses, for example, Ali eşyalarını toplayıp, odasını temizledikten sonra yola çıktı, Ali yola çıkmadan önce eşalarını topladı ve odasını temizledi
    • analysing how a range of noun, verb and adjective endings, such as -daş-lik and –cı-lican be used to form new words, for example, tarayıcı, yoldaş, demlik, kirli