
  • discussing connections between the Vietnamese language and cultural beliefs, for example, con số hên, số đẹp, ngày tốt/tốt ngày
  • understanding that Vietnamese values and beliefs influence language choices, for example, the use of family terms such as chú, bác, cô or  instead of first names reflects the importance of family in Vietnamese culture
  • discussing the meaning of ‘culture’, how it involves visible elements such as language, symbols, food, national costumes and dancing, and invisible elements such as values and beliefs, including respect for the environment; and comparing these visible and invisible elements of Vietnamese culture to other cultures of the Asia region
  • making connections between language and culture, such as vocabulary and expressions related to people, lifestyle and the environment, for example, con rồng cháu tiên, khéo ăn thì no, khéo co thì ấm, trời nắng tốt dưa, trời mưa tốt lúa