Knowledge and understanding


Places and our connections to them

Locating familiar places and label place and purpose (VCGGK049)

How places can be defined at a variety of scales (VCGGK050)

The connection of their school and local community to other places in Australia and across the world (VCGGK051)

The Countries/Places that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people belong to in the local area (VCGGK052)

Ways weather and seasons are described (VCGGK053)

The major features of a place and their location (VCGGK054)

What people do in specific spaces (VCGGK055)

Places used regularly in the community, their location, activities undertaken in this place and frequency of visits (VCGGK056)


Personal histories

Who the people in their family are and how they are related to me (VCHHK045)

The different family groups in my class and what they have in common (VCHHK046)

Distinguish between 'today’, ‘tomorrow’ and ‘yesterday’ (VCHHK047)

Similarities and differences between their life and the life of their parents and grandparents (VCHHK048)

Community histories

How they and their family celebrate past events that are important to them (VCHHK049)

Explore and sequence the history of a significant place, person or building or site (VCHHK050)

Explore the significance of cultural or spiritual places to us today and to people in the past (VCHHK051)

Explore technologies of the past and today and what people like and why (VCHHK052)