Humanities and Social Sciences skills

Questioning and researching

Identify prior knowledge about a topic (e.g. shared discussion, think-pair-share) (WAHASS01)

Pose and respond to questions about the familiar (WAHASS02)

Explore a range of sources (e.g. observations, interviews, photographs, print texts, digital sources) (WAHASS03)

Sort and record information and/or data into simple categories (e.g. use graphic organisers, drawings) (WAHASS04)


Process information and/or data collected (e.g. sequence familiar events, answer questions, discuss observations) (WAHASS05)

Explore points of view (e.g. understand that their point of view may differ from others) (WAHASS06)

Represent information gathered in different formats (e.g. drawings, diagrams, story maps, role-plays) (WAHASS07)


Draw conclusions based on discussions of observations (e.g. answer questions, contribute to guided discussions) (WAHASS08)

Participate in decision-making processes (e.g. engage in group discussions, make shared decisions) (WAHASS09)

Communicating and reflecting

Share observations and ideas, using everyday language (e.g. oral retell, drawing, role-play) (WAHASS10)

Develop texts (e.g. retell, describe personal stories) (WAHASS11)

Reflect on learning (e.g. drawings, discussions) (WAHASS12)